Draw pictures on the blackboard to demonstrate these new words:
chicken, fish, vegetables, fruit.
Read the words and spell them.
Drill these sentences:
I like ... / I don’t like ...
... is good. .... is okay.
Draw happy face and sad face on the blackboard. Lead the students to say what they like and what they don’t like. And match the pictures at the right place.
Draw hearts on the blackboard to demonstrate the new word “favourite”.
Spell the word and demonstrate the dialogue “What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is ...”
Lead the students to drill the dialogue one to another.
Student book
Listen to the video and answer the questions.
Read the text together and do an exercise.
Make a dialogue
Lead the students to make a dialogue with the sentences.
Practice in groups.
Lead the volunteers to show the dailogues.
Class closing
Use a picture to tell the students that they should eat more health food.
Sing a song “It’s time for lunch.”