Step 1 、Greeting: Hello! Boys and girls! How are you? Are you happy? Now, look out the window. How’s the weather today? I like sunny days. Because we can go on trips. Let’s go on a trip, Ok?
3、Show the picture of “Some famous places in Beijing” to the students. So, Beijing is great! Let’s go to Beijing by train.
4、Show the train on PPT. Now we’re on the train.
We can look out the window on the train. What can you see?
(Review “I see……”)
Sept 2:New concept
(一)part 1
1、Do you want to know what Li Ming, Danny, Jenny and Mrs. Li see in the train station? Now, open your book , look at the part one. Listen to the tape. When the second listening, read after. Then free reading a minute,and read it one by one.
2、课件出示Beijing Train Station图, How many people are there in the Beijing Train Station? ( Many people )
(二)part 2
1、课件出示man图,What can you see? (课件继续出示句型) This is a man. / One man. 板书:man
2、课件出示men图, Is this a man? ( 课件继续出示句型) No,these are men. / Many men.(拼读men,从音形区别man 与men)板书:men
3、用同样的形式,课件展示学习woman, women等单词。
4、课件出示boy,girl,baby,child图,What can you see? (课件继续出示句型) This is a boy. / This is a child. / This is a girl./This is a baby.……
(板书:boy, boys,girl,girls, baby, babies, child)
Who is a boy? Stand up , please. Who is a girl? Stand up , please. Who is a child? The boy is a child. The girl is a child , too. Boys and girls are children. (板书children),拼读children= child + ren .区别child 与children.