1. 在调查表演等活动中,使学生能体会到英语学习的乐趣。 2. 培养学生热爱劳动、做家务的好习惯,学会感恩。 3. 在小组活动中,加强学生积极配合和合作的意识。
重点:1.能够听、说、读、写并准确运用 dinner, dirty, lunch。
2.听懂、 读懂本课语篇,并在情境中加以运用。难点:能够运用 help, cook, wash, dry,dirty 等词,介绍自己晚饭时间如 何帮家人做家务。
多媒体,冰箱道具, (西红柿、土豆、胡萝卜)实物
三、教学过程 (一)教学步骤
Step 1 Class-opening(3 minutes) 1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls! S: Hello, Miss Zhao. T: How are you today? Ss: I’m fine. / Very well. / I’m happy. 设计思路:师生互相问好,进行情感交流,将学生的注意力吸引到英语课堂上。 2. Warming up Watch
a video and say the words fast. 设计思路:利用 30 秒快速出图调动学生积极性,同时复习食物单词,为下一步的 free talk 做铺垫。 3. Free talk · What did you have for breakfast? 设计思路:以早饭为切入点,采用采访的形式互相问候,激励学生自由问答,促使他们在实际生活中运 用所学知识。 · What did Jenny have for breakfast? (First, students try to remember Jenny’s breakfast in Lesson 3. Then teacher shows the picture of Jenny’s breakfast. ) 设计思路:话题的设计承上启下,由介绍自己的早饭过渡到回忆 Jenny 的早饭,以三餐为主线,为学习本课的晚饭做铺垫。 Step 2 New concepts (25 minutes) 1. Read and answer T: Let’s take a look. (出示詹妮早饭图片)What did Jenny have for breakfast? Ss: She had some bread and milk.
T: Good. I have another question to ask you. (屏幕出示问题,找学生读问题)What did Jenny ate for lunch? (Students read the text fast and find the answer.) 设计思路:依据三餐主线,由早饭自然过渡到午饭,采用寻读策略,培养学生阅读技巧,提升学生阅读 能力。 2. Read and answer T:Class! I have more questions to ask you. (屏幕出示问题) (1) What time is it? (2) Who’s cooking? (3) What’s for dinner? (Choose students from each team to read the questions.) (Students read the text and underline the answers.) (Check the answers in group.)(Choose students from each team to answer the questions.)教师同时将答案板书于黑板。设计思路:针对文本设计具有针对性问题,使学生通过回答问题理解文本。学生利用默读的方法进行寻读获得答案,掌握读的技能,体现了教师的“授渔”。小组内互助核对答案,培养学生自主学习的能力。 3. Help Jenny’s mother make dinner T: Let’s help Jenny’s mother make dinner. She needs some vegetables. Where are the vegetables? ( 屏幕出示 问题) Please guess. S1: They are in the fridge. S2: They are ... T:Class! Please look! What’s this? (教师出示冰箱道具) What’s in the fridge? (Students try to guess what’s in the fridge.) (Students look inside the fridge and answer the question.) ( 接着屏幕出示西红柿在冰箱图片,同样方式出示 胡萝卜土豆在桌子上图片) (Students look at the pictures and say.)学生说完以后屏幕出示句子。 (Students read and find the rules about potatoes and tomatoes.)学生试着发现以 o 结尾的名词复数的规律, 在教师的提示下加以总结。 T: Li Ming and Jenny like potatoes and tomatoes. Now dinner ’s ready. I think it’s yummy. What do you want to say? What does Li Ming say?(屏幕出示语句并带音频) 设计思路:使用冰箱的道具,让学生猜一猜蔬菜在哪里,冰箱里有什么,为课堂增添生活色彩。让学生真正体验、参与,发现,总结,从而形成有效学习策略。 4. L
isten, read and answer After dinner... (屏幕出示问题)
(1) Who washes the dirty dishes? (2) What does Li Ming do? (Choose students from each team to read the questions.)读完第一个问题屏幕出示脏盘子图片。 (Students listen, read and answer the questions.) (Check the answers in group.) (Choose students from each team to answer the questions.)教师同时将答案板书于黑板。设计思路:利用听读找答案的形式,理解文本第二部分,锻炼学生的听读能力。同时问题的设计对学生进行了爱劳动做家务的情感渗透。小组内互助核对答案,充分体现学生主体性,培养学生自主学习的能力。 Practice 1. Make a survey T: Now Let’s talk about Jenny.(屏幕出示相关表格) What’s the time for dinner? What’s for dinner? name Jenny T: Do you want to know about me? time dinner
T: Now choose one of your friends to make a survey. (Students try to make the survey.) (Share in class.) 设计思路:巩固文本后跳出文本,通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式,在真实的生活情境中沟 通交流问候,考查学生的综合运用能力。 2. Do the exercise of part 3 T: Now Let’s talk about the Smith.(屏幕出示 part 3 Match and write) Picture 5 Mrs. Smith is in the kitchen. She is going to ______ dinner. Next one is picture 4. OK!Please do it. · Students do the exercise by themselves. · Check the exercise in group. · Check the exercise in class. 设计思路:检验学生学习效果。通过小组内互助核对答案,充分体现学生主体性,培养学生自主学习的能力。同时也能使老师退出课堂,扮演“观察者”,从而更好的激励学生。
Step3 Activity (6minutes) Group work Topic: Time for dinner. What do you do for dinner? · Talk in the group and then write it down. · Share the topic in class. 设计思路:围绕本课主线(Making Dinner)进行,根据所给出的情境进行书写训练,使学生在英语学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力。在小组活动中,加强学生积极配合和合作的意识。学生在这个过程中经历“语言输入—语言理解—语言输出”三个环节的训练,使学会如何学习,同时使学生在活动中养成爱劳动做家务的 好习惯。 Step4 Class Closing (1minutes) 1. Summary (依据板书进行巩固复述) 设计思路:巩固扎实,总结本课所学。 2.Homework · Listen and read Lesson 4. · Finish your writing. 设计思路:设计听读作业使学生巩固所学内容,提高听读的能力。写作的布置是课堂的延伸,锻炼学生写作的能力,帮助不同程度的学生在自己原有程度上有所提高和进步,尽量得到最多的收获。