学生通过图表填写、匹配等活动,掌握名词复数的变化规则,提升复习和归纳能力。 三、学习者分析
重点:学生能够认读、理解并运用问句How many are there?进行表达,能够总结名词复数的四种变化规则即直接+s,以s、x、ch、sh结尾+es,以o结尾+s/es,不规则变化。
解决措施:学生通过图表填写,匹配等活动,掌握名词复数的变化规则,提升复习和归纳能力。五、教学设计教学环节起止时间(’”- ’”)环节目标教学内容学生活动媒体作用及分析 一、歌曲导入,激发兴趣1’01”- 3’10”歌曲导入新课“How are you ?”跟唱歌曲设计意图:通过师生一起歌曲演唱,给学生创造了轻松愉快的课堂气氛,有助于师生情感的交流,使学生很自然的驶入了英语课堂。二、新授5’10”- 9’10”Ask and answerT: Are you ready for English class
T: Well, Today we will learn Lesson 10 How Many Are There? Now read together.
T: I have many pictures in the TV. Do you want to see
T : (课件图片) What is this
S1: This is a pencil .(板书pencil)
T: How many are there How many
T : (课件图片) What are these
T: Good. We can use‘many’in this sentence .Who can
S: Yes, we are ready.
S: Lesson 10 How Many Are There S: Yes.
1. Pencils and chairs. S2: One pencil. T: Yes, this is one pencil. (课件句子)
S3: These are pencils .(板书pencils)
S4: These are many pencils.
T: How many are there
S5: Eleven pencils.
以同种方式教授This is a chair . These are many chairs .(板书chairs,chairs)
(设计意图: 呈现图片可以给他们以刺激,问答的形式可以使其保持注意力,并锻炼其语言的准确性。)T: Now, look at the blackboard. (手指pencils, chairs并将s描红) Do you see the s at the end of these words
T: These words get bigger with an s. (板书) This word ’s Chinese meaning is ……(手指bigger)S: Yes.
T : Yes ,very good .这些单词在加了字母s后数目就变大了。Please read this sentence together.
2.Dresses ,dishes and buses
T: I have another six pictures. Do you want to see
.S:These words get bigger with an s .
S: Yes9’10”- 12’10”T: Ok. But I have a request (要求).According(根据) to the pictures ,repeat the sentences that the tap says .Are you ready to listen to the tap