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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点六年级下册Lesson 10 Exercise下载详情
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难点:会使用句型:How many minutes do you walk?


Step1 Warming Up

T: Good morning, everyone! Do you remember the English song we learned last class?

Ss: Yes, we do!

T: Let’s sing together!


T: Do you know what did we do?

Ss: We played sports.

T: I can also say we do exercise. Do you know what is exercise? Let’s learn it!

Step2 Presentation

1 Today we will learn lesson ten “exercise”. 板书exercise,并领读。

2 Now let’s look at the pictures. T: What is Danny doing?

Ss: Danny is riding a bike.

T: Do you always ride a bike?

S: Yes/No.

T: Riding a bike is good for you. So I can say riding a bike is exercise.并板书。

同上讲解walking, playing ping-pong, running.

全部讲解完毕后领读。(read one by one and read together)

出示图片询问:T: Is he health and strong?

Ss: Yes, he is!

T: Exercise helps make you body health and strong.

Let’s read part one.


读后提问:What is exercise? 找学生回答并纠正。

3 展示钟表图片并询问 What time is it? 由时钟变化引导学生猜出minute, hour 意思并板书领读。询问How many minutes are there in an hour? 引导学生说出There are sixty minutes in an hour.

4 展示Danny步行10分钟图片,通过问题What does Danny do? 和 How many minutes does Danny walk?引出Ten minutes of walking. 同介绍余下三种运动方式并总结。Danny does an hour of exercise.

5 T: How much exercise does Danny really do? 引出课文内容。提出3个问题:(1)What exercise does Danny do? (2) How often does Danny do exercise? (3) How many minutes does Danny do exercise? 第一遍带着问题听录音,第二遍出示字幕边听边跟读。由学生找出答案。

Step3 Practice

What about you? 出示问题:(1)What exercise do you do? (2) How often do you do exercise? (3) How many minutes do you do exercise? 找同学举例子提问回答。两人一组进行讨论。讨论结束后选出若干组进行表演。
