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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点六年级下册Lesson 13 Summer Is Coming!下载详情
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教具准备:单词卡片,多媒体课件, 点读机


一 Greeting and review:

1 T: Hello, boys and girls. Are you ready for English class?

OK. Now, let’s begin our English class.

Today, we are going to learn Lesson 13 Summer Is Coming. What’s the meaning?

Do you know?

二 New Concepts:

(一) No. 1

1 T: I have some questions for you:

How many seasons are there in a year?

? What are they?? (课件出示四季幻灯片)

T: Please look at the trees carefully. What happens to the leaves in the different seasons?

?“Leaves”, do you remember? What’s the meaning? Can you read it? Read and spell it. Recite it.?? (出示leaves单词卡片, 并粘在黑板上)

It’s the plural form, the singaler form is “leaf”.

T: Look at the leaves in winter? Do the trees have any leaves in winter?

(The trees don’t have any leaves in winter.)?? (板书 The trees ------ leaves in ------.)

T: How about in spring? Do the trees have any leaves in spring? Are the leaves new or old?

?(Yes, the trees have new leaves in spring.)

?T: What colour are summer leaves? (green)

?? Do you know summer leaves can make you cool?

?? So, trees have cool, green leaves in summer.? Say it, please.

?T: Look at the leaves in autumn. Do the trees have cool, green leaves in autumn ?

The trees lose their leaves in autumn.

?? “lose”, what’s the meaning?? Here, it means “失去”.

?? What colour are autumn leaves?? (yellow, orange, red)

?T: Class, different seasons, different trees and leaves. Can you say the differences about the leaves ?

2 T: Now, let’s talk about the weather of the four seasons.
