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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版八年级上册Reading'Memory Corner'下载详情
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通过梳理主阅读篇章的结构,及语篇分析的训练,让学生感知真实的语言,体会作者的态度,培养学生的写作思维。 过程与方法1.通过整体理解主阅读篇章,引导学生分析段落主题句,拓展句,举例句和小结句,从而掌握段落主旨,理解作者的写作意图。在理解的基础中逐步培养语篇分析的意识,分析句子之间的逻辑顺序,掌握谋篇布局的简单的篇章结构。

2.通过分析句式,让学生在新的语境中写出主题句和小结句构造新的语篇,学会清晰地介绍一件事物。重点引导学生分析语篇Memory Corner的段落主题句,拓展句,举例句和小结句。难点引导学生正确运用…is to …和if从句写出主题句和小结句完成段落, 清晰地介绍记忆的方法。

Steps and activitiesStepsT’s ActivitiesSs’ ActivitiesAimWord gameHave Ss play a word game.

Play a word game and get to learn about word game.

Lead in the topic and arouse Ss’ interest;Task 1

Memory corner


The main idea of three articles.

Help Ss to analyze four function sentences in Henry’s article and the sentence patterns.

Ask Ss to analyze Paula’s and Millie’s article in the same way.

Help sum up Tip A. Learn about four function sentences in Henry’s article and the sentence patterns.

Analyze Paula’s and Millie’s article in groups.

Take note in Tip A.

Through reviewing the main idea of the articles, learn about four function sentences and sentence patterns. Task2: Quiz1. Have Ss complete the quiz and learn to use sentence patterns: …is to… , if…

2. Check the answers in class. 1. Complete the quiz and learn to use sentence patterns: …is to… , if…

2. Share the answers in class. Be able to use the sentences: …is to…, if….

Task: Writing

Help Ss understand the writing instruction: the boy needs methods to remember English words.

Word game: reorganize the sentences.

Picture method: Have Ss write a topic sentence and a conclusion to introduce a method.

Invite some Ss to show their sentences.

Understand the writing instruction: the boy needs methods to remember English words.

Word game: reorganize the sentences.

Write a topic sentence and a conclusion to introduce a method.

Some Ss show their sentence in front of others.Train the Ss’ ability to write topic sentence and conclusion with sentence patterns.


Review the four sentence functions in this course; summary about how to write a topic sentence and a conclusion.Sum up the four sentences functions; learn to write topic sentence and conclusion. Consolidate the practical use of the discourse analysis ability.Assign- mentsReview the four sentence functions.

Complete the article on Students sheet.

Blackboard Lay-out

U7 Reading 2: How to introduce methods in a logical way
