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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点六年级下册Lesson 20 Looking at Photos下载详情
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Do you remember?

教 学 过 程设计意图

Step1 Greeting and leading-in.

1. T: Good morning, class. I am very glad to see you here. Today we are going to learn Lesson 20. Li Ming is leaving soon. Danny and Jenny will say good-bye to him. Here’s a song for saying good-bye. Let’s enjoy it together.

(Listen to the song Remember Me.)

2. T: Have you heard the song before? Where is it from? Yes, it’s from the film Coco. Its name is Remember Me. Do you like it? So what’s the meaning of the word “remember”? yes, it means don’t forget.

Step2 New words and expressions today

1. T: Now look at these photos. Do you remember them? who can say something about these pictures?

( Ask some students to describe these pictures. Pay attention to the past tense in the sentences.)

2. T: Listen to Part 1 and try to answer the questions.

a. What is Li Ming doing?

b. How many photos did Li Ming find?

Check the answers.

3. T: Read Part 1 by yourselves and try to fill in the blanks after reading.

Li Ming is ___________ready to go home. He ________ some photos.

Photo1 Danny __________ to play basketball with a ping-pong ball.

Photo2 Li Ming _________ Danny to play ping-pong. But he _______ his hand.

Photo3 Danny and Li Ming _________ to the shop with Danny. They_________ Christmas gifts. They ________ Santa and __________ to Santa.

4. T: We have learnt the simple past tense of verbs last period. Now let’s review the past tense of these verbs. Do you remember? Please tell me the simple past tense of these verbs in groups.

Step3 Practice

1. Find the differences and describe the photos.

T: Now let’s look at these two pictures. Find the differences between them and try to describe in simple past tense.

( Show the students some pictures, find the differences with the students and make a comment on their expressions. )

The students can say like this:

They are different. In picture1, he had a hat. But in picture 2,he had a …

2. Do you remember?

T: Ok, boys and girls. I have a surprise for you. Guess what they are. Yes, they are pictures when you were young, from Grade 1 till now. let’s look at them together.

( Look at the pictures with the students.)

T: Now I have a task for you. I will give each group a photo and you can describe it in simple past tense. Work in groups and you have five minutes to prepare.

( Look back these six years with the help of the photos and the description by the students. )
