(一)、Class opening and review.
1、以"What’s your favourite sport?" 提问,让学生们试说出自己喜爱的运动。
2、Can you play basketball? Are you ready to learn to play basketball? 老师以不同的问题提问不同的学生,吸引学生的注意力.
(二)、New Concepts.
1、老师做抛球的动作,边做边说:“I can throw the basketball."反复说两次,让学生跟自己拼读throw.学生们拿起篮球,边做抛的动作边说:“Throw, throw. I can throw the basketball.”
2、一学生把球传到老师手中,老师说:“I can catch the basketball."反复两次,让学生跟自己拼读catch.学生两人为一组,互相传球,想要接到球的一方就说:"I can catch the basketball."
We can throw and catch the basketball. This is easy. But Danny says it’s too difficult. 播放视频
4、老师一手拿篮球,一手拿乒乓球,教学 heavy和 light。老师说:“The basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light.”
A: I like ping-pong best. What's your favourite sport?
B: My favourite sport is besketball. Can you play basketball?
A : No, I can't. But I want to learn. Can you teach me?
B:Sure. Throw the basketball. look! I'm throwing the basketball.
A:Oh, I can catch it. This is easy./ I can't catch the basketball. It's difficult. The basketball is heavy.
6、Class Closing.