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沪教2011课标版《Writing ‘write a letter to the head teacher to ask permission to raise momey’》优质课教案下载-济宁市优

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key pointsThe structure, and plot of a letter.

The difference of letters to different people

The new words and phrases Teaching


pointsHow to use reading materials to show the difference of letters to different people

How to help Ss to.organaize a letter to ask permission Teaching methodsTeaching basis: learner-centered

Communication method

Task-based method

Situational method

4. Audio-visual method

5. Some reading methodsTeaching aids:Multimedia equipment, power pointTeaching procedureⅠ. Warm-up

i. Warming up and leading-in

(1) Look at a vedio, and answer questions: what is happening in the vedio?

(2)Ask students: Have you ever try to help others? What didi you do?

(3) Try to know some other ways to help others.

ii. Talk about how to raise money

iii. Finish P11 A

II. While- writing

i.group work: Ask students to talk about the questions in groups.

How are you going to raise money?

When and where are you going to have your activity?

What are you going to do during the activity?

Who would you like to ask for help?

How much money do you plan on raising?

ii. After discussion, complete part B.

iii. Get to know different types of messages and letters.

iv. Ask students to pay more attention to the top tips.

v. write the letter in groups

Share the letter with classmates.

III. Post- writing
