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活动1.呈现Zip带着鼻涕的面具,问谁躺在床上,并询问她怎么了?引出句子I have a cold。并询问原因。引出句型It’s cold here.从而对比cold 当形容词及名词的用法。

教师语言设计:Look! Who is she? Yes, she’s Zip. What’s the matter with her? I have a cold. Do you know what’s the reason. Now ,look, what’s the weather like in Dalian? It’s cold here. The word “cold ”has two meanings.


教师语言设计:Zip has a cold. Let’s make a call to Zip. Hello! Zip, are you OK?I have a cold. And as the best friend, what will Zoom do? He says, I’ll go to Dalian to see you .So today let’s help Zoom to go to Dalian. And today our task is to act out the story ”Ah-choo” on journey.

活动3.Listen and choose. 1.What’s the weather like in Beijing? A. cold B.sunny and warm C. cool

2.Who has a cold? A. Zip B. Zoom C . Zip and Zoom 让学生带着问题去看故事动画。

教师语言设计:Let’s enjoy the story,and I have two questions for you.

活动 4.询问为什么Zoom 也感冒的原因,引出图3、图4.引导学生要细心。

教师语言设计:Why Zoom has a cold too?Let’s find the reason in P3 and P4.

活动 5. 操练难点句子,让一个人当小天气预报员,其余的注意听地方,再次引导学生要注意倾听。

教师语言设计:Now I need a weather reporter and the other repeat. Be careful! Listen carefully!

活动 6.学生平时要细心且在外出旅行时注意天气情况并做好雨具及衣物的准备。

教师语言设计:Let’s find more tips for Zoom.

活动 7. 播放课本第五、六幅动画,感冒后的Zoom看起来怎样?并介绍西方文化。引导学生注意人物情感的变化。

教师语言设计:Zoom has a cold now. How does he look like?He looks terrible. Bless you.

活动8. 听音模仿跟读。指导学生可边跟读边加入肢体动作,增强记忆与理解。

教师语言设计:Now let’s listen and imitate. Please pay attention to your tone and intonation and add your body language.



活动1. Memory game.

教师语言设计:Now let’s play a memory game. Please say as quickly as you can.

活动2. Put the whole passage in right order.

教师语言设计:Now see the video and work in group and make put the whole passage in right order,and you can decorate your work with your colourful pens.



活动1:Role play.


教师语言设计: Boys and girls, let’s do a role play. Now I’m Zoom. Who will be Zip? You, please. Let’s say 1,2,3, action!