Greeting and warming-up.
Good morning, boys and girls.What’s the weather like today?(It’s sunny.)
OK.Let’s go shopping, OK ?
So,Let’s sing a song.
Everyone did a good job.
Now, let’s go shopping. Look, there is a shop. What can you see in this shop ?
(shoes gloves dresses sunglasses ......)(强调单复数)
Well done. Now, look! This is my shop. What’s in my shop? Can you guess?
Do you want to buy something in my shop? Can I help you ? Look at this dress. It’s very pretty, isn’t it? How much is the dress? 学生翻看商品价格,并说出价格。
Story time
Now everyone, look, this is Mr. Elephant. He has a shop. What’s in his shop?Let’s guess. (学生猜测后,教师出示商店的整体图)It’s a big shop.
And look, Zoom is in the shop,too. What does he do ? Is he a customer or a shop assistant? Let’s listen to the tape and answer this question.(回答后,让学生分组分角色练习)
Here is Miss Sheep. What does she like ?(教师播放2-5图录音,让学生回答出问题)
And now let’s listen again, and tell me how much is the skirt? Is it 16 dollars or 91 dollars ?
(回答出问题后,让学生分角色表演2-5图,并尝试理解Can I see that skirt, please?)
And now let’s look at Mr. Elephant, what’s wrong with him?(He’s angry.)
What will he say to Zoom ? Let’s listen to the tape. And guess what’s the meaning?
Now let’s listen again and repeat.
Act it out.
All of you did a good job.
What we’ve learned in this lesson? We went to the shop. There are many clothes. They all very colourful and pretty. (情感教育,随着生活水平的不断提高,我们不愁吃穿,但是在一些偏远的山区,还有很多小朋友,他们和你们年龄相仿,但是他们可能从来没有穿过一件新衣服,所以老师希望我们的同学,要养成勤俭节约的好习惯,如果我们有小了穿不了人衣服可以捐给那些生活在偏远地区的小朋友。)
All of you did a good job. Here is your homework.
So much for this lesson. Class is over.
Blackboard design.