师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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? 五年级的学生较低年级已表现出一定的稳定性,而且已具备了一定的英语学习基础,但随着所学知识难度的递增,学习兴趣不再那么浓烈,需要把课堂教学和课堂活动设计得更经常有趣,以激发学生的学习兴趣。

III. Teaching aids: PPT, tape recorder, pictures

IV. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warm up

1. Invite some groups of Ss to talk about their friends or teachers.

-- Who is your …?

-- XXX

-- What’s he﹨she like?

-- She﹨He is…

Step 2. Presentation

1. T: Who will be Jone’s new Chinese teacher?

Ss: Ms Wang.

T: One day, Jone meets Ms Wang in the morning. What are they talking about?

Show Ss the dialogue between them and make Ss read it.

T: What’s Jone like?

Help Ss answer “He is polite”. Learn the word’ polite’.


2. Show Ss a picture.

T: What’s Sarah like?

Ss: She is polite and helpful.

Show Ss pictures: Lucy is cleaning the room. Jone is watering the flowers. Pat is watching TV. Who is helpful?

3. Make Ss answer the question” Who is helpful?”. Then praise one St:“You’ clever”. Show Ss the word card “clever”. Make Ss read the word.

4. T: Tom is clever. Jack is clever,too. Tom gets 100 in the test, but Jack gets 60. Why? (Showing Ss two pictures of boys )

Lead Ss to answer “Tom is hard-working”. Learn the word. Write h_ _d w_ _king on the blackboard and make Ss spell it according to the pronunciation learned before.

5. Show Ss the picture.

T: ”What’s she like?”

Ss: She is shy.

Learn the word shy.

T: Does the letter “y” say ﹨i﹨ ? Make Ss pay attention to the pronunciation of y in different words.

Step 3. Practice