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2.Work in pairs: Is there a hill in the park?

Yes,there is ./No,there isn’t.


In a nature park.ppt

IV.Teaching steps

Step 1.warming up

Say:Let’s sing a song together.

Step 2.Presentation

follow the step 1 and say:Where are they?Help them answer “Park”.Then present “In the nature park”.Teach this word “nature park”.Ask:What is in the nature park?

Show a picture of a river and teach”river”.Ask several students to repeat and show “There is a river in the nature park.”Then reapeat.Say:Is there a river in Dazu?Help them say “Laixi river”.Ask them say more rivers just like Changjiang River,Yellow river.

Study lake by showing a picture of a lake.First show a word cake,change “c” into “l”,have them read by themselves.Repeat several times. Say:There is a lake in the nature park.Then tell them the differences between river and lake.

Study hill and mountain using the same way.

Study the word forest and show a picture:What can you see in the forest?Help them say:There is a forest in the nature park.There are some trees in the forest.There are some flowers in the forest.

Step 3.Practise

Read after the tape.

Read by themselves.

Play a game: Who is fast?

Ask them to say according to the picture like this:

There is a river in the nature park.

There is a lake in the nature park.

There is a hill in the nature park.

5.Show the sentence: Is there a river in the nature park?Present the answer:yes,there is./No,there isn’t. show several pictures and practice with the students.

A: Is there a river/hill/mountain/lake in the nature park?

B:Yes,there is./No,there isn’t.

Work in pairs and share in chlass.

6.Show a picture and sak:Is there a river in the park?Is there a forest in the park?Then say:We should protect our earth.

Step 4.Let’s say

Show a model “Welcome to Dazu”.

Welcome to Dazu. Dazu is a very beautiful place. There is a river in Dazu. There is a mountain in Dazu.There are some trees and flowers in the mountain.There is a lake in the mountain. I love Dazu very much.
