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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(PEP)版三年级起点六年级上册Words in each unit下载详情

人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)《Words in each unit》新课标教案下载-安顺市优质课

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Let’s go to the nature park.

How do I go to the park? Guess?

Then practice: I point, they say.

Go over the words of Unit Three.

I’m going to see a film tomorrow.

Hey! Children. What are you going to do?

Then show the pictures.

Chant together.

see see see a film

take take take a trip

visit visit visit my grandparents

go go go to the supermarket

Go over the words of Unit Four.

Look! This is Mike’s pen pal.

Do you have a pen pal?

What’s his hobby?

Play a game: Beat a drum to spread a flower.

If you are lucky. You act, please.

Go over the words of Unit Five.

Hey! I’m a teacher. You are students.

Look! What do they do?

Say their jobs.

Then introduce parents’ jobs.

Go over the words of Unit Six.

Show the pictures: Look! Sarah is … The cat is …

Ask: How do you feel? I feel …

Then play a game.