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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Reading 1: The fashion show下载详情
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T: many teachers come to our class today. Let’s welcome them.

You know clothes make us different from others. They make us look beautiful and modern. In different place, people like to wear different styles of clothes. First of all, I am going to show you different styles of clothes.

Step 2 pre-reading

1. Q1:When you have PE lessons, what do you wear?

Q2: What else do you wear?

(to present??sports clothes and trainers)

Q3: Do you like wearing trainers?

?I think trainers are comfortable. We can run fast in them. So I think they are light too.


Trainers are light and comfortable. They are popular among young people.

2. I want to have a meeting. So I prepare them. Do you know them?

To present: a purple shirt, a pair of grey trousers, and a red and grey tie

To practise the sentence pattern:

I think … matches ….

3. You know men like wearing ties. Do women often wear ties?

Most of the time, they wear scarves.

To present a scarf. (two scarves)

Q: How many scarves are there?

4. Q: Does the blue scarf match the blouse?

( It’ s a yellow cotton blouse. )

Q: Do you know what it is made of?

The yellow blouse is made of cotton..

5. Q: Can you tell me what trousers can match the yellow blouse?

a pair of jeans

(to ask two students : do you like wearing jeans.)

Both of them like wearing jeans.

Do you all like wearing jeans? (Jeans are popular among you. I think young people really like jeans)

I think jeans can match clothes well.

6. next, I am going to present you some other girls’ clothes. Let’ s look at them.

A red silk blouse, a black wool skirt and a pair of red boots.

