1. 能听懂有关案件的录音,提取相关信息,完成关于绑架案的报告。
2. 能用英语谈论安全防范措施。
课题教学活动循序渐进,由易到难,以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点。将听、说、读、写有机结合,积极开展pair work, group work等以教师为主导,学生为主体的师生、生生多边的交互式活动,注重创设语境氛围,采用启发式、讨论式、探究式等教学方法,引导学生全面、积极的参与学习的过程,由浅入深地完成教学任务,让学生享受英语学习的快乐。
其次,通过听前(Pre-listening)感知,引导学生走进情境,激活相关的语言文化背景知识;通过听中(While-listening)理解,引导学生捕捉主题句、关键词,概括案件内容;通过听后(After-listening)迁移,引导学生完成绑架案报告,并展开讨论Who is the kidnapper,激活学生的思维,激发学生学习兴趣,实现自然过渡。
再次,通过一个个台阶的铺设,让学生带着问题互相讨论,积极寻找答案,进一步复现已呈现出的语言点,完成Speak up的学习。
[教学过程]:Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Warming up: Free talk
T: What is a detective?
S: ...
T: Do you like detective stories?
S: …
T: What detectives do you know?
S: …
T: Today, I’m going to show you a top detective. He is Bryan. He is good at solving all kinds of crimes. This is daughter Kim. She is 17 years old. Do you want to know what happened? Let’s watch a video.
What happened in the film?
S: Kidnapping .
(设计意图:用Free talk开始本节课,预设上课的情境,引出本节课的话题---绑架。通过视频,让学生从视觉、听觉、感知三方面自然的接受新知识,进入准备侦破绑架案的状态。)
Step 2 Presentation
T: This is the story. During summer holiday, Kim went to Paris with her friend. Both of them were kidnapped. Bryan made all efforts to save his daughter. In the film, Bryan always stays calm no matter what happens. When he said: “I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.”And he did it. He found the kidnapper and saved his daughter.
In the morning, Bryan read newspaper. Something caught his attention. A 4-year-old boy was kidnapped.
Then there is a phone call coming.(Hello, Bryan, this is Sam. The son of Guan Dawei, a man of great wealth was kidnapped. Go and get it done!)
So, Bryan is coming to save Guan Dawei’s son. Before solving the case, he wants to know more information about his son. Could you help him?
New words: Kidnap—kidnapping(n.绑架;劫持);