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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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3.Brainstorming:But my daughter tells me the food I’ve got is not enough for her friends, so I need your help, what other food should I prepare?(Ss say, T writes)


Step Two The kind of the food

1.Thank you for helping me collect the information. Now would you like to tell me the kinds of them.


2.Now I believe you can help me put the food into the correct groups.(完成课本69页Part A)

Step Three The food we like/dislike

1.Among the groups, which kind of food is not healthy? Maybe most of us like them. Do you like snacks? What do you like?

2.Now Daniel and Millie are also talking about the food they like or dislike. Let’s listen and finish the table. While listening, we should try to get more information about their like and dilike.

3.Check out the answers. One asks, the other answers.


4.Thinnking :Why does Millie like fish?

(设计意图:引导学生思考Millie为什么喜欢鱼,鼓励学生大胆运用be good for,引申be bad for,自然过渡到漫画部分的学习)

5.Watch a video and think about what Eddie wants to eat at first,and at last what Eddie wants to eat. Which food is healthier, apples or hamburgers?

(设计意图:通过问题引导学生理解漫画内容,并引入深层思考How much should we eat?)

Step Four How much we eat

1.Thinking:Apples are good,but Eddie wants to eat ten apples for lunch, is it healthy?

(设计意图:通过听读,学生直接感知健康食物。再引导学生站在“十个苹果一顿午餐”的角度去思考how much should we eat。鼓励学生对听读文本进行深层次的研读与理解)

2.Match the words with correct pictures. Encourage the students to express how much we should eat.

Step Five How to eat healthily

Show the food pyramids, then tell us why we should eat like this.

(设计意图:利用食物金字塔由how much should we eat到why should we eat like this,再到解决同伴的实际问题,实现语言的输入与输出层层递进)

2.Play a game

(设计意图:在游戏中加强how to eat healthily的具体认知)

3.Group work: Help Garfield lose 20 pounds.


Step Six Extension and summary

1.Thinking :If Garfield wants to be helthy,what else should he do?


