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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Reading 1: Keeping fit下载详情
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Moral objectives

Students’ interest of English study is aroused through different teaching methods.

Students’ spirit of cooperation is developed through pair work and group discussion.

Students are encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle.

3. Teaching procedures

StepsTimeTeacher’s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesPurposesStep 1

Pre-reading: (Warming -up and lead in)

5Task 1

Free talk about the food the students like and dislike.

Talk about the food they like and dislike.

This can help the students consolidate what they have learned in the last class.

To create a happy atmosphere for the lesson and get students ready for reading.Task 2

Guide students to talk about the following question.

What food is healthy/unhealthy?

Healthy food is important for us. They help us to keep fit.

Unhealthy food have too much sugar or fat and are bad for our teeth and body..

Talk about what food is healthy and what food is unhealthy.Step 2

While- reading20Task 1 Skimming & Scanning

Ask students to read the article quickly and quietly. And then answer the following questions.

What does Kitty love?

How long does Kitty dance every day?

What does Daniel like doing?

Ask students to find out who has a healthy lifestyle, Kitty or Daniel?

Skimming & Scanning

Read the article quickly and quietly.

Answer three questions.

Find out who has a healthy lifestyle, Kitty or Daniel?

The students are expected to get the main ideas of the article by reading the text.

The students are expected to look for the key information.

Train students’ ability of scanning the needed information from the article.Task 2 Read and choose

