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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns下载详情

七年级上册(2013年6月第2版)《Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns》优质课教案下载-芜湖市优课

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We need some chicken , a bag of rice and a packet of salt .

We can also buy a few bottles of juice.


Understand the meaning and usage of countable and uncountable nouns.


Pictures, record and multi-media.


Step 1. presentation

Review something about reading .

Let students watch a video with 2 questions :

A . how to keep healthy ?

What food does he like eating ?

Chips ,apples ,carrots ,potatoes. They are all nouns, so today we will learn something about nouns.

Enjoy a flash to know something about nouns .

Show some pictures to the students and ask : what’s this ? it’s a book .write “a book “ on the blackboard , present “ an apple “ in the same way .

Let’s students watch and say the differences .

Teacher asks : how to use “a” and “an “

Go on showing some pictures , ask : what’s this ?

What are they ? write 2 pigs. 5 oranges etc. On the blackboard . let students read and think why we add “s”?

Show more words and ask students to say their plural forms. Let student work out the rules of changing countable nouns into plural forms .

Have a conclusion about the rules .

ask students to read the table on P120. Pay attention to the pronunciation of “s “ and “es”. let students read after the teacher .

Step2 presentation

Show a bottle of water, and ask :what’s it ? it’s water but can we say it is a water ?

Students answer “ no “.

Teacher : because water is uncountable noun. Write “water” on the blackboard .

Teacher : now , can you tell me some more uncountable nouns?

Students answer .

Write “ juice , rice , tea , meat , milk , chicken , bread “on the blackboard and let students read .

Show two bottles of water to the students and ask students :Can we say two waters ?

