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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Reading 1: Halloween下载详情
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Step2:Lead in:

1.Find out the symbols of Halloween from a video.

2.Let Ss express their feelings about Halloween according to these symbols.


1.Skimming: Read the letter silently, and answer the questions.

1)When is Halloween?

2)When do people celebrate Halloween?

2.Scanning: Read the letter silently again.

1) Underline how people celebrate Halloween.

2) Do Part B1 on P59. Check the answers.

3) Read the letter after the tape aloud, then do Part B2 on P59.

Check the answers.

3.Further reading:

1) Group work: Help me solve three problems in groups.

How to dress up

How to play "trick or treat"

How to make a pumpkin lantern

3) Let Ss express their feelings about Halloween now.

Step 4: Cooperative learning:

1. Group work: Make a mind map about Halloween in groups.

Present it on a big card and if time is enough, decorate the mind map.

Step 5: Show time:

1. Ask some groups to come to the front to say something about Halloween according

to their mind maps.

Step 6: Rethinking:

1. What have you learnt about today? (I will complete the mind map on the Bb.)

2. Ask Ss if they still have some questions. If they don't have, I will ask three

questions to make Ss think more.

1) Why do people dress up as ghosts or scary things at Halloween?

2) Why do people make pumpkin lanterns and put them outside their houses

