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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead in: summer holiday plan

Present 2 pictures and talk about your summer holiday plan

eg. Where will you go?

Who will you go with?

What will you see/eat there?

How will you go there?

How long will you stay there?

Step2 My holiday plan

Present 2 pictures of Disneyland, answer the question: Which Disneyland should I go to?

Can you tell me something about two cities?

Step3 Free talk

Where will you travel?

Which is your favourite city?

Students choose their favourite city and talk about the weather, interesting places and food.

Step4 Pair work

A: How is the weather in…?

B: It’s usually…

A: What interesting places will we see in the city?

B: You’ll see…

A: What food will we eat in the city?

B: You’ll eat…

Ask students to practice the dialogue and act it out.

Step 5 Consolidation (Let's talk)

Students talk about some information about Sydney.

Step6 Stick and write& show time

Students choose their favourite city and report their travel book to the class like this:

…is my favourite city. It’s in… The weather is… You’ll see… You’ll eat…

Step7 Look and say

Revise the cities, countries and places of interest in unit5--8.

