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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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I often play football after school.

What about you?

I walk to my bowl many times a day.

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. Talk about their favourite sports with their partners;

2. Give a report on their groupmates’ favourite sports.

IV. Teaching procedures

Welcome to the unit

Step 1 Lead-in

Show the five friendlies (福娃)

T: Today we’ll begin a new unit, Unit 2. What’s the topic of this unit?

S: Let’s play sports!

T: Yes. Do you like sports?

S: …

T: Have you ever watched Beijing Olympic Games in 2008? Look, here is a poster of it. Do you know the five characters?

S: …

T: Yes. They are the friendlies—Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, and Nini. They all look happy. Do you know why?

S: …

T: Yes. Because they love sports. They all have their favourite sports—the sports they are good at.

Do you want to know about them? Let’s have a look.


Step 2 Presentation

1. Show the names of the sports.

A: What sports does Beibei like best?

B: Beibei likes swimming best. His favourite sports is swimming.

A: Jingjing loves seven kinds of sports. Which sports does Jingjing like best?

B: Yes. Jingjing likes baseball best. Baseball is His favourite sports.

A: Huanhuan is good at two kinds of sports. What are they?

B: You are so clever. Huanhuan is good at football and baseball.

A: What is Yingying’s favourite sports?

