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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Study skills: Vowels(II)下载详情
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2.Then ask two questions according to the report.

(1)Where did he/she go in the summer holiday?

(2)What did he/she like best?

Step2 Revision

1.Present some words and ask students to read,then revise the five vowels in unit1.

2.Revise the pronunciation rules in unit1.

Step 3 Lead-in

Free talk. The teacher talked about the trip to Beijing during her summer holiday.

Step4 Present the sounds

Present the sound/?/

1.Show some pictures of the Palace Museum.Talk about the first day in the Palace Museum.

I went to the Palace Museum on the first day.The weather was hot ,so I wore a hat.I took a small bag.I bought a map of the Palace Museum.I was very tired,but glad.

2.Ask students to read the red words after the teacher.

3.T: Can you tell me what the letter“a” pronuce here?

4.Watch a short video and learn how to read the sound /?/ .

5.Practise:Ask students to make up new words with “a”.Make sure the letter “a” must be sounded /?/ .

Present the sound/e /

1.Show some pictures of Beihai Park. Talk about the second day in Beihai Park.

I went to Beihai park on the sencond day.When I got off the underground,I lost my way.With the help of the policeman, I found the park.I liked the white Tower best.When I felt tired,I had a rest in the corrider.

2.Ask students to read the red words after the teacher. Then ask students:What does the letter “e” pronuce here?

3. Watch a short video and learn how to read the sound /e/ .

4.Play a game:Pick apples and put the apples into the right baskets.

Present the sound /?/

1.Show some pictures of the Summmer Palace. Talk about the third day in the Summmer Palace.

I went to the Summer Palace on the third day.Mum went there with us.We just stayed there for two hours, but we took many photos there.

2. Ask students to read the red words by themselves. Then ask students:What does the letter “u” pronuce here?

3. Watch a short video and learn how to read the sound / ? /.

4.Practise.Read each group of words and find out which word is different.

Present the sound /i/

1.Show some pictures of Wangfujing Street. Talk about the fourth day in Wangfujing Street.
