Present new words: brush the fur
Step 2 Presentatio
1.Free talk: How much do you know about goldfish?
Are they very big?
How much do they weigh?
Do they make any noise?
Do they have any fur?
Present some new words :weigh, gram, noise.
Step 3 Before-listening
1.Discussion; How to look after gold fish?
2.Give some questions to help them:
1) Does the goldfish need clean water?
2)Can you pick it up with your hands?
3)Can you put a goldfish in the sun?
4) Is a goldfish heavy?
5) Does a goldfish weigh some kilograms?
6) Is it very difficult to look after a goldfish?
7) Does it need special fish food?
8.)Is a goldfish very expensive ?
Step 4 While-listening
1.Listen to a talk(报告) on the goldfish and help Peter check if the notes are T (true) or F (false).
Tip 1: predict the answers before listening.
2.Check the answers.
3.Listen and finish a fact sheet about goldfish.
Tip 2: write the short forms of the words and phrases while listening.
4.Check the answers one by one.
Step 5 Post-listening
1.Now Peter is calling Amy to tell her about goldfish. Complete Peter’s answers.
2.Ask one pair to read their answers.
3.Some useful phrases: