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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Task: My favourite pet下载详情
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III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. Organize the students’ own ideas.

2. Write an article about their own pets.

IV. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Look and answer

T: Boys and girls, Look at the picture. What is this? It’s a cat. Who owns the cat? Amy does. What colour is she? She is grey. What colour are her paws? They are white. Is it lovely? Yes, it is.


Step 2 Presentation

1. Read and finish the table

T: Read the passage after the tape, and then try to finish the table.


2. Read and analyze

T: Read the passage aloud, and then analyze the passage.

The first paragraph: It is an introduction.

The second paragraph: It is about Poppy’s appearance.

The third and the fourth paragraphs: They are about its personality and lifestyle.

The fifth paragraph: It is about how you look after it.

The last paragraph: It is about why Amy like it.


3. Find the useful expressions

T: Read the passage silently again and try to find some useful expressions.

4. Other useful expressions


Step 3 Writing

1. Prepare a fact fire

T: Look at the picture. What is this? Yes, it is a parrot. If we want to write about it, we should mention the following six parts: introduction; appearance, personality, lifestyle, How do you look after it and Why do you like it.

Appearance: feathers (red, yellow and blue); eyes (small, black); beak (large, hooked); two legs; wings; a long tail

Personality: clever, can speak; friendly, can say “hello”; happy, can sing

Lifestyle: flies; eats seeds and nuts; lives in a cage

