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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: Poems about pets下载详情
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III Value objectives

Enjoy the beauty and rhymes by reading aloud the two poems.

Teaching focuses and difficulties:

Students can learn about the rhymes and tones of the poems and are able to create their own poems.

Some phrases:run after a ball, with eyes open wide,

Some structures: have trouble with sth / in doing sth.

Teaching aids: PPT

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision and lead in

Revise by asking questions about pets and lead to the new lesson. (What animals can we keep as pets?

What animal would you like to choose as your pet and why do you choose it? What do you often do for your pet? Do you write a poem for your pet? Today we’re going to learn two poems about pets. And at the end of this class, you will be able to write your own English poem.)

Step 2 Presentation

Predict from the title. (What will the poet write about in the poem My dog)

Predict from the picture. (What does the dog have in his mouth? Why does he have a stick in his mouth? Can you guess? What’s the dog like?)

Look through the poem to find the key sentence.

Read line by line to find supporting sentences and check for understanding.

Present new words with the help of the picture. (Look at the picture. What is the goldfish doing? She is bubbling.)

Look through the poem to find out what the goldfish is like .

Read line by line to find supporting sentences and check for understanding.

Step 3 Presentation

Look carefully at the two poems to find the characteristics(特征) of a poem. If necessary discuss with a partner.

1. Poems are written in short lines. And the first letter of each line is capitalized.

2. Usually, the poet tries to express strong feelings for something or somebody.

3. Some of the words rhyme in a poem.

Read the poems and try to feel what feelings the poet wants to express.

Read the two poems with the teacher.

Use a Chinese poem to talk about rhymes.

Use its English version to teach how words rhyme in English poems.

Ask the students to find words that rhyme in the two poems.

Read the poems again to feel the beauty of rhyme.

