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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: Poems about pets下载详情
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The dog can do many things. Look at the pictures.

We have a friend called Eddie.

What can he do? Read and fill in the blanks

My favorite pet is dogs, because he can do wonderful tricks , he can build me camps out of sticks. He is so clever.

Here is a poem Page 94. Read it quickly and silently. Tell me which sentence can tell us the main idea.

So the first sentence is very important. My dog is clever.

Please read the two poem again and answer the two question.:

What does the dog do? What doesn’t the dog do?

In this poem, pay attention to the subject. the poet uses “he”, can we use it?

Which is better? According to grammar, use he or it, both O K.

But using he is like a person. It is Personification. It's the beauty of the language . It can show the poet’s love to the dog.

I have six sentences here. can you find the similar sentences in the poem. Please read it out aloud.

“hunt” means look around for

Can we use look around for instead of hunt?

using Hunt here is accurately and visually.

It's also the beauty of the language. Let’s listen and enjoy the poem. Poems have rhymes and special structures.

It is easy for us to understand and it's also interesting.

Except the beauty of language and structure, the most important is the rhymes in poems.

For example, all rhymes with ball, read and find out which words rhyme? You can underline the words in your books.

Some people don’t like dogs. They like to stay quiet. Goldfish are a good choice. What do you know about goldfish?

Let’s read a poem about goldfish.

Can you find out the main idea? Why is the goldfish a wonderful pet?

Can we change she into “it”? Why or why not?.

The poem tells us that My goldfish is a wonderful pet. She isn’t any trouble. She doesn’t bark or miaow. She likes to bubble. She doesn’t need a bed, much food or a gentle touch.

But the poet doesn’t write it like that. Let’s listen and enjoy it .

It is easy and interesting, it can show us the beauty of the structure and rhymes. It repeats singing and chat repeatedly.

Poems are very beautiful. Let’s have a reading competition. 2mins for you to prepare in groups.

评价: My dog is my best friend, and I'll look after him till the end. They are true frends. right? From your reading, I am moved deeply.

My goldfish isn't any trouble. If you have a chance to keep a fish like this goldfish, are you willing to keep it?

All of you read beautifully. English songs are also beautiful. Because it has rhymes too. Let’s sing a song together. And find out

