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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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What do you like about camping?

I like being outside.

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

Learn how to talk about the favourite outdoor activity and the reason.

IV. Teaching procedures

B Welcome to the unit

Step 1 Lead-in

T: Hello, boys and girls. I am your new teacher from Yizheng Eastern Experimental Middle School. My school is far away from here, so I ride a bicycle here. I like cycling very much, so I go to school by bike every day. Do you know cycling ?

T:Cycling is a kind of outdoor activity. What other outdoor activities do you know?


Step 2 Presentation

1. Learn to say

T: Look at the pictures and say what outdoor activities they are.

T: In picture one, what’s the man doing?

S1: (Jogging.)

T: Good. Please move on.

S2: (In picture two, the man is swimming.)

S3: (In picture three, the lady is skating.)

S4: (In picture four, the girl is riding a bike.)

T: Yes. And we can call it “cycling”.

S5: (In picture five, the boy is riding a horse.)

T: Yes. And we can call it “horse riding” or “riding” for short. What can you see in Picture Six?

Ss: (A tent and a fire.)

T: Yes. We call it “camping”.

2. Learn and match

T: I am sure it’s easy for you to finish the exercises in A1 on page 69.

T: Now, let’s check the answers. I’d like you to talk about the pictures one by one like this:

A: What outdoor activity would you like to try?

B: I want to go ....

T: Let’s review the phrases again. They are “go jogging/camping/skating/swimming/cycling/ horse riding or riding.”

