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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: Down the rabbit hole下载详情

七年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Reading 1: Down the rabbit hole》公开课教案下载-濮阳市优质课

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Step 1 Lead-in Free talk.

T: Look at the pictures. Today we will talk about one fairy tales called Alice in wonderland. It’s a book written by Lewis Carroll. The book is very famous and has been made into a cartoon film.

T: What is the text about? Can you guess?

We can always get some useful information from the title and the pictures. From the title, we know something happened. Down the rabbit hole.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Pre-reading.

T: Let’s watch a short video about part of the story. Try to find the two main characters in it.

S: A rabbit and Alice.

2. After watching the video, I think you can understand these phrases better. Read them and match them with the right pictures. Listen to the tape and finish the exercises in B1 on Page 71.

3. Skimming

Go through the title, and choose the answer: What is the story about?


T: Please go over the whole passage again and try to find right places for the three pictures .

S: The first picture is by the river. The second is in the field and the third is in the hall.

T: Right. And there are five paragraphs in the passage and we can divide them into three parts according to the three places.

Paragraphs 1 & 2 are about “by the river”. Para 3 is about “in the field”. Paragraphs 4 & 5 are about “in the hall”.


1)Read Paragragh1 and 2, and choose the right actions. Then try to retell the story according to their actions. Try to answer the question, What was special about the rabbit?

2)Read paragragh3, and answer the following two questions

A. What did Alice do after seeing the white rabbit?

B. If you are Alice, what will you do and why?

3)Read paragraghs4&5,and find the problems Alice met in the hall.

There were doors all around,

butthey were all _______________.Alice saw a small key on a table,it _________________ the door.Alice saw a lovely garden on the other side, and tried go through the door,

she was __________________.

6. Further reading.

1)Let’s read the whole passage again, and then put the sentences in the right order.

2)Tell Simon’s notes true or false

Step 3 Production

1. Retell the story.

