a. Read Para1-3 carefully, and answer these questions. Discuss in groups if necessary.
1. Where did Alice see a white rabbit? ________________________________
2. What do you think of the rabbit? ________________________________
3. What was the rabbit going to do? Can you guess?
4. What did the rabbit say? ________________________________
5. Where did the rabbit go? ________________________________
6. Why did Alice jump down the hole?
b. Read para.4-5
There were doors all around,
Alice saw a small key on a table,
Alice saw a lovely garden on the other side, and tried to go through the door,
c. T/F questions
It was a cloudy day. ( )
Alice was playing with a rabbit. ( )
The rabbit asked Alice the time. ( )
The rabbit jumped down the hole first. ( )
It took Alice a long time to hit the ground in the hole. ( )
Alice talked to the rabbit in the hole. ( )
Task 3: Put the sentences in the correct order
a. Alice ran across the field after the rabbit.
b. The strange rabbit surprised Alice.
c .Alice sat by a river with her sister.
d .Alice opened a small door with the key.
e. Alice could see no one in the hall.