Learn how to use facts to support opinions.
3. Know how to skim and intensive reading.过程
方法 Designing some tasks to improve students'
ability of reading the article.情感
态度Know the advantages and disadvantages of
keeping pet dogs.教学
重点How to use facts to support opinions教学
难点Students find out more facts to support their opinion.教学内容及教师活动学生活动
Step 1 Lead--in
The teacher shows a picture of wresting.It helps students know the meaning of head to head.
Step2 Pr--reading
Students read the title,the pictures,the introduction and the sub-headings of the article.Then
answer my questions.
Step 3 While-reading
Stage1.Divide the article into
two parts .The left part (15-21)
and right part(24-44).First read
the left part and find out Emma’s
opinion and facts .How to use
facts to support her opinion.
Stage2. Students read the
right part by themselves.They
should imitate the teacher and
find out Matt’s opinion and facts.
They should know how Matt use
facts to support his opinion.
Stage3.Listen to the tape and
Enjoy the whole article again.
Step 4 After-reading
There will be a debate.Five