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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Task: My hometown下载详情
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2.Show some pictures of Xuyi to students. Ask them to watch and try to say different places.

3.Present the names of interesting places in Xuyi and ask.

4.What can people do and see in place?

5.Fill in the blanks

二、预习设计、成果展示1. Tell students that John, an exchange student made a video of his hometown.

2.Present John’s notes about his hometown.

3. Read the notes carefully and complete different tasks.

a. say something about these pictures

b. Answer some questions

c. Complete the dialogue

三、小组合作、师生探究1. Ask students to listen to the article about John’s hometown.

2. Answer some questions

a.How many people are there?

b.What do the people do?

c.What are the people like?

d. How can we go there?

f. About the people and the way to the town

g.Where is my house

h.How many floors does it have?

i.The things around the house

j.What can people do there?

四、归纳总结、巩固提高1.Guide students to read the Sample Writing of John’s script and match the headings with the paragraphs.

2. Play the tape and guide students to read sample writing

3.Write a guide

. Ask students to write an article about his homewown.use the following sentence as a model. (5 mintues)

show sb around…

live in houses like this

smell the flowers

hear the birds sing

