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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: A trip to the zoo下载详情
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2. What animals are there in the zoo?

Activity Two: Presentation

Step1 Pre-reading: Play a guessing game.

1.Show a picture of pandas and teach the new words: bamboo, lie down all day long

2.Show more pictures of other animals to teach more words and phrases.

3.Ask students to complete B3on page46.Then make a profile of these animals.

Step 2 While-reading

1.Skim the passage and answer two questions.

①How many kinds of animals are there in the text?

②Do you know what animals they are?

2. Watch a video and do True or False in B2 and correct the mistakes.

3. Ask students to read the text. Then complete B1.

4.Let’s look at the map, talk about the locations of these animals.

5. Encourage students to tell how to find animals on the map.

Step3 Post-reading

1.Try to be a good guide. Group them in groups of six, and ask them to act their dialogues.

(A trip to the zoo)

2. Show our own school to your friends with this map.

Hi, everybody! Let me show you around my school. Here we’re in front of the school gate.___________ ,and you’ll find the school hall. It’s large and clean._______________ and you’ll see our library. Our classroom building 3 is ________ of it. ______________

and classroom building 2 is in front of you. We are in Classroom building 1. To the west of it, there’s our___________. Go straight on ,to the ________of it and you’ll find our dining hall. Shuihui park is east of our school.

Activity Three:Homework

1. Remember the new words in this lesson.

2.Tell your friends the trip to the zoo.

