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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: A trip to the zoo下载详情
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To learn to show directions for others and give the right response to others.

教 学 活 动 内 容活 动 组 织 过 程改 笔Step 1 Revision

Show a video and Ask “Where’s it? What animals can you see?/which animal do you like best and why…?”

Step 2 Presentation

1.Present pictures to tell students “ We’re going to visit Sunshine Zoo today.” Then show them some animals.

Show a picture of pandas and teach the new word: bamboo.

Show more pictures of other animals to teach more words and phrases. (Write on the blackboard)

Step 3 Presentation

Present the background of the text and say “ The students are seeing many different kinds animals in the zoo. Do you know what animals they are?”

2. Play the tape and ask students to skim the text. Then work in groups to complete B1.

3. Do True or False in B2 and correct the mistakes.

Step 4 Activities

1. Ask the students to read the text together with the tape.

2.play a game. One student ask and ask another answer “where is the......”.

3. Show a map and ask the students to make a dialogue about asking and giving directions.


1.Finish the exercises.

2. Read the text fluently.

1. Look at the pictures and answer questions.

2. Learn new words and phrases.

1. Make a dialogue to talk about animals.

2. Fill in the blanks to complete B3.

1. Work in groups and sign the locations of the six kinds of animals in B1.

2. Try to say something about how to get to the places of their favorite animals.

3.Do B2 and correct mistakes in the false sentences.

1. Read the text together.

2. Group work.

3. Some groups act their dialogues in class.

Do the exercises.

Let the students learn new words and important phrases about animals.

