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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: A trip to the zoo下载详情
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Step 1. Revision

Translate some useful phrases and sentences.

Have a match between boys and girls about telling right directions:

“Who can tell us more?”

( Purpose of designing: Revising some useful by completion can arouse interest of the students and help them to remember these important sentences. )

Step 2. Warm-up

1. Ask the following questions:

Where is the zoo in our city? How can we get to the zoo from our school?

2. To lead in the new-word teaching:

bridge, road, cross the bridge/road, straight on, turn left/right…etc.

Ask the following questions:

What animals can we see in the zoo? And what animals do you like?

To continue to learn the new words about animals in the zoo:

Pandas: eat bamboo, lie down all day long,

Lions: the king of animal world, remember they are dangerous

Birds: make beautiful sounds.

Monkeys: clever and funny, jump around, make people laugh

Giraffes: quite tall, their long neck, eat the leaves

Elephants: large ears, open fans, long nose

A guessing game: show some information about each animal, then ask the students to guess: what animal is it?

( Purpose of designing: Learning the new words by pictures and descriptions can help the students understand easily, then use a guessing game to help the students consolidate the new words. )

Step 3. Lead-in

Would you like to go on a trip to Sunshine Zoo with Class1, Grade 7.

( Purpose of designing: To lead the students to learn the text . )

Step 4. Reading

Fast reading

⑴ Read the article quickly and answer the following questions

① Where are they now?

② How many kinds of animals are there in the article? What are they?

⑵ Complete Part B1 on page 45.

