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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津上海课标版八年级上册Unit 3 Trouble!下载详情
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Lead students to retell the story using the simple past tense.

Teaching methods

Skimming,scanning and sequencing


Teaching aids

The multimedia and powerpoint

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming up

Show students a short video to let them know what a "ferry" is.

Step2: Leading in

Share a past experience of the teacher and teach the new words at the same time.

Stare at;notice;thief;steal;purse;argument;move through;crowd;go aboard

Step3 Pre-reading

What can you do if you see a theft?

For example,you can call the police. What number do you dial? What a theft often happen?

Step4. While-reading

Activity 1.Read the title,the introduction and the pictures. And choose the best answers to the two questions.

1: What can be in a diary?

A: date B:weather C:feelings and thoughts D:daily things

2:What is the diary about?

A:It's about a tour

B:It's about a trouble Paul and his father met and how to deal with(处理)it.

C:It's about a story between a man and two women.

Activity 2

Skim the passage and find answers to these questions.

1:What did the man do with the bag?

2:What did the man and women do?

3:What did the crowd do?

Activity 3

The story happened in four different places. Please match the places with the right order according to the story.