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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版八年级下册Grammar'how to use the past continuous tense '下载详情
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Teaching Methods:

1. PPP (presentation and experience-controlled practice activities– freer practice activities)、Task-based learning

2. Use the formative evaluation in the class. Guiding students to report, to write some success stories is the main purpose of this lesson.


StageStage aimTeacher activitiesStudents’ activitiesTimeBefore class Cooperate and communicate with each other1. Divide the whole class into small groups.

2. Each group has 4 students.

3. They are going to have a group competition in this lesson.Cooperate and communicate with each otherWarm up and lead in

Activate students’ previous knowledge and their motivation, especially some vocabularies , and then lead in some vocabularies and sentences of the past continuous tense1.share my own last weekend

2.show the story of Star Love Enjoy the story3msExperience and observation Experience the grammarShow the sentences from the passage, and ask students to observe the sentences. Read the sentences and observe 1.observe the language

2.enjoy the story and experience the language4msSum up: Method 1 to 4

Know the form, meaning and usage of the past continuous tenseAsk students to sum up the grammar, and give them 4 rules to understand the tenseSum up the tense and grasp the 4 rules.4msConsolidation 1

Learn by doing and teaching othersShow a conversation between Song-yi and DoFinish the conversation, pay attention to the grammer6msConsolidation 2Share your own lifeSet 2 questionsAsk the 2 questions1mConsolidation 3Guide students to use language after a lot of information in-putting, that is “

Learn by doing things”Set a piece of School Newspaper, and ask each group to collect some “wonderful time” among your classmates. Ask the students to write and report their passage by interviewing their classmates’ own experience.Finish the “wonderful time” newspaper by interviewing your classmates.14msShow time and Summary

Give the chances for students to show their works. And give a short lesson summary.1. Make them do some self-checking, and then ask them to check each other. Let some of them be the little teacher, and teach others about how to write a better passage, and then Sum up the lesson.

2. Decide which group is the best. Of course, show some better works of students’ passage.Report to the whole class.

After reporting, try to write it out and check it by themselves, and then check it with their partners. Try to be others’ little teacher and check the passage.8ms


Develop some further abilities of students’The teacher will collect all of the passages, and then stick their works as a piece of newspaper on the wall of the classroom.

1. Write out a better report about your classmates’ wonderful stories and make a piece of School Newspaper with your group mates after class according to your writing.

2. Work hard and try hard to make everyday wonderful.2ms


