T:Do you still remember which wise men we have learnt in this unit?(引导学生说出是哪三位智者)。
T:Do you know how to check whether the necklace is made of gold or not?
(In the modern world, we have many useful skills, such as scales and chemical tests. We also have many experts who are good at testing jewelry. But how about in the ancient times?)(对比现代检验金子的技术,在古时候有一个叫阿基米德的人,学生们表演关于其检验皇冠纯金与否的故事。从这个故事中得出要善于观察周围发生的事情,从中可以得到好主意。)
T: Fill in the blanks based on the picture and the story of Helen at the Olympics.
T: In ancient China, we also had some wise men. Do you know the name of the little kid?(Cao Chong)(引导学生说出曹冲的故事,并通过问如何称量一个巨大的机器,引导学生说出可以像曹冲一样通过量其零件的重量。)
T: We have learnt these three wise men. Who will be the next one we are going to talk about?
通过英语剧和看图填空练习以及图片讲述,引导学生们回忆第一单元已经提到的三个智者及其故事。Step 2T:From the video, we know Laozi said so many sayings. One of them is “Luck and misfortune come in turn.” I would use an example to explain it. “”If I got an A in this exam, but I didn’t study hard, I will lose in the next exam.”
通过猜谜游戏猜出是老子,并观看老子及道教的视频,视频中出现许多名言,其中一个是 Luck and misfortune come in turn,并用一个关于考试的例子使学生猜出“祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏”。Step 3T:Listen to me carefully.
T: Read after me sentence by sentence.
T: Each group needs to read the whole article and others read after them.
Step 4:When did Laozi live?
What did he write?
Can you give a famous saying from the Daodejing.
两人一组讨论并回答以下问题,一问一答。Step 5In the 6th century BC means from the year 600 to the year 501 BC.
It is believed that./ People believe that
It is said that/ People say that…
It is known that/ People know that…
It is said that/ People say that Kobe is an excellent basketball player.
It is known that/People know that he always spends time on parties.
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