2. Skimming
3. Scanning
4. Guessing meaning of unknown words
五、教学资源准备PPT 六、教学过程教学过程任务学生活动设计意图及资源准备Step 1
Look at the picture and predict what happened to Millie and Amy.Predict the story according to the picture.读前预测可以激发学生阅读的兴趣和动机,激活学生相关话题的背景知识,同时也给学生提供了读前学习生词的情景。学生根据图片提供的情景,结合老师的问题大胆猜测,充分表达,有效地培养了创造性思维能力。另外,学生读前预测既是对前面所学内容的巩固和体验,也是本节课的有效导入。Step 2
Present the new words.Have a good grasp of the new words, including the pronunciation and part of speech.呈现相关目标词汇,并注重词汇的音标和词性,以便于学生掌握和运用词汇。Step 3
(1) Skimming
Skim the passage and answer two questions.Read the passage quickly and answer the questions.学生快速浏览文本并回答两个问题。让学生初步感知文本,了解文章内容的梗概。(2)Careful reading
Reading the passage again and complete the chart.Read the passage and find out the key points.借助图表梳理文本信息。读中活动意在引导学生阅读和理解所学文本,促进学生进行体验性阅读,让学生和文本展开对话。有效的语言输入可以保证语言输出的流畅,促进学生语言能力的发展。Step 4
(1) Finish Part B2 and B4.
Finish the exercises.为后续教学活动打下基础。(2)Retell the story.Retell the story according to the information on the chart.在学生个体阅读的基础上,教师鼓励学生运用已获取的细节信息复述课文,在巩固所学内容的同时运用所学语言进行表达,做到在学中用和在用中学。合作学习活动的设计是考虑到组间学生的差异,为学生营造轻松的语言学习和语言运用环境。(3)Discuss some questions and encourage students to analyze the text and express their own ideas.
a. Which phrases or sentences make the story interesting?
For example:
They turned round but saw nothing.
b. The ghost in the park .
Give us your reasons.
c. What can we learn from the story?
d. Is it a wonderful ghost story?
Why or why not?
Students analyze the wonderful sentences which make the story interesting and talk about a sense of reading.教师在学生讲述故事之后引发学生的讨论,促进其积极思考。阅读不仅是为了学习语言,而且是读者与书本的对话、与作者的对话。学生在阅读中思考,在阅读中交流与表达,这不仅体现了读、思、言,也渗透了学生情感、态度和价值观的培养。Step 5 HomeworkRead and recite the passage.
Finish the exercises on the handbook.
Prepare to share a wonderful story with us.
Finish the homework after class.鼓励学生多进行课外阅读,在阅读中增长知识、锻炼才能,并学会与人分享。 教学流程图
A ghost in the park
1. 学生话语