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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Grammar:Cardinal numbers & Ordinal numbers下载详情

七年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Grammar:Cardinal numbers & Ordinal numbers》教案下载-许昌市优质课

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To use cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers correctly to talk about things.

¤ Teaching aids:

Pictures; a calendar; multi-media

¤ Teaching procedures:

Cardinal numbers

Step1. Presentation

1. Have a test. Look at the six pictures and talk about them. Say: We use

cardinal numbers every day.

2. Enjoy an English song to revise the cardinal numbers from 1 to 100


Tell the students that Simon wants to have a party at his new flat .Let them listen to a piece of record and help Simon write down the phone numbers on the guest list.

Check the answers by asking and answer in pairs.

Step3 Presentation

Tell the students Simon is learning how to say big numbers with his classmates. Ask : Would you like to join them?

Encourage the students to read the following numbers in groups:

100, 110, 209, 813

Show the following numbers before the above numbers and ask them to read the four numbers.

23, 567, 128, 400

Ask: If I put a comma between them, how should we say the bigger numbers? Discuss in groups.

23,100 567,110 128,209 400,813

Put 6 before 400,813 then let the students to read it. Ask: If I put a comma between them, how should we read it.

Finally, show the number 700,009,012 and encourage students to read it.

Help them to find out the rules of reading a big number.

Step 4. Practice

Tell the students that Simon collected some information about different countries. Then invite them to enjoy the pictures and get some students to read the sentences.

Ordinal numbers

Step5 .Presentation

1. Well done! Would your like to show me how many points have you got? Write down their points and ask :

Which group is the first / second / third / fourth / fifth / sixth?

Tell the students we call these numbers ordinal numbers .

