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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Task: My dream home下载详情
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Listen ,speak ,and read by interacting .

= 4 ﹨* ROMAN IV . Teaching procedures

Step 1 Leading in

1.Present an express delivery to the students , and ask them to tell :

What is on the list? The names ,the telephone number, and the address.

The personal information is used widely in our daily lives .

2.Tips : be careful with your own personal information when you shop online or chat on the Internet.

Step 2 Presentation

1.Present Donald Trump and Yang Mi to compare the different orders in names.

Last name (family name 姓)___________

First name(give name 名字)____________

personal information Age _____________

Telephone number_____


2.Present some information about homes

Ask the students to ask and answer the following questions in pairs

1)What kind of home do you live in , a house or a flat?

2)How many floors are there in your house/building?

3)Do you have a garden?

4)How many rooms do you have in your home?

5)What are they?

6)How many people live in your home?

7)Who are they?

8)What things do you have in your home?

balcony? computer? fridge? living room? shower sofa? study? toilet? washing machine?

Step 3 Complete the questionnaire with their own information .

Talk about it with their partner in pairs .

According to your questionnaire(问卷调查) on Page 16. Talk about your dream homes.

My name is ____. I’m ___ years old. My telephone number is ____. I live on _____ Road, I live in a ____. There are ______ rooms/floors in my house. They are _______.There are ____ people in my home. I have _______ in my home.

Step 4 Simon’s dream home
