1. 文章结构的分析指导。
2. 培养合作互助的意识。
3. 鼓励学生在全班师生面前大胆表现自己,同时训练英语思维和口语表达能力。
Step 1. Lead-in
一段关于地震的视频导入,同时设置问题:What did you see in the video? 在此环节中通过板书一些提示词,如:shake/shaking, bricks ,fall down, come down, fire, hurt, die, save…等自然地引入对文中一些生词的简单教学。同时要求学生利用这些新授词描述自己刚刚在视频中的所见所闻。紧接着提出问题:How did you feel about the video? 引导学生大胆地说出自己对地震的直观感受:sad, nervous, fearful, frightened…同时自然引出本堂课的灵魂人物:In order for us to know more about the earthquake , our headmaster Mr. Chen invited Jay Chou to our school. He is not only a singer and a composer, but also a survivor in the Tai wan earthquake. 并且在这一环节里为学生们补充介绍了1999年台湾大地震的一些背景信息。
Step 2. A lecture by Jay
Jay wanted to make a lecture to tell us what really happened to him that day. He was preparing for the lecture. He wanted to put his lecture into three parts. Listen to the tape and try to figure out how he divided all the five paragraphs into three parts.
When the earthquake came (Para 1-2)
After the earthquake (Para 3-4)
How he was saved (Para 5)
Step 3. The students in our class are taking notes carefully…but one student was so careless that he poured some paint on his notes, and the notes couldn’t be seen clearly. Can you help him complete the notes?
Step 4. During the lecture, a student asked him a question…
通过班级里一位学生对Jay 的提问引入文章第二部分,指导学生对第二部分进行主要内容的提炼。
Step 5. 设置问题:What do you think of Jay Chou during the earthquake? 引导学生说出一些关键词:clever, brave ,lucky…鼓励学生思考:Do you think Jay was saved only because he was clever, brave and lucky? Not enough. In my opinion, clever, brave and lucky plus others’ help=the bright day light. 从而自然流畅地过渡到最后一部分:Jay also invited a member of the rescue team to tell us how they saved him…
Step 6. Jay’s mood changed a lot during the earthquake…
引导学生关注主要人物的情绪变化,要求他们通过与前后同学的互助合作,将代表Jay Chou 情绪的正确颜色填入段落后面的横线上。通学生互助合作情绪高涨,课堂气氛热烈,此环节完成效果也很好。
Step 7. I was go travelling with my family during Jay’s stay in Wuxi. It’s a great pity that I missed Jay’s lecture! Who can tell me Jay’s story? 老师向学生求助,希望他们能够告诉自己有关周杰伦讲座的一些具体情况。设计此环节的本意是让学生在完成对三部分细节理解后能对整篇文章有一个整体的把握。在此情境下,学生很乐意给老师提供帮助。同样,为了帮助他们顺利流畅地提炼出整篇课文的summary,笔者同样通过图片,文字乃至箭头方向等为他们作好充分的铺垫。以便让每一个同学都有话可说。
Step 8. If an earthquake just happens around us, what should we do? Can you discuss with your partner and try to come up with some dos and don’ts?
又一次提供机会让学生进行互助合作讨论,同时提供几幅图片进行提示,为他们指出正确的讨论方向。在学生回答之后,教师再次进行方法总结,同时提出关键句:Whatever happens, the most important thing is ---Don’t lost heart at any time.
Step 9. If an earthquake happens in some other places in China, what should we do?
Please discuss in group of 4 and choose one student as a leader. The leader is supposed to say something on behalf of your group. 通过小组讨论,每位同学都献计献策,每一位leader 也都有话可说,贡献出好多有效的方法。最后教师同样通过图片创设不同情境来进行总结,以便让学生的思路更宽更全面。
Step 10. 教师总结: As a famous saying goes, ”Where there is a will ,there is a way. ” What I want to say is, ”where there is help, there is hope. ” Always remember, even a small deed can make a big difference. 让学生知道, 有帮助就有希望。生活中的每一点小小的爱心之举会改变很多人的一生。在上完本堂课后,教师不仅让学生对地震的预防和逃生知识有了一定的了解,同时对他们进行情感上的激励,希望他们在生活中学会帮助他人,并且乐于帮助他人。