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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津上海课标版八年级上册Unit 4 Numbers下载详情
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Figuring out different methods in organizing the article.


StagesLearning ActivitiesPurposesBefore readingDo a quiz to find out some facts about numbers.

Think about the writer’s purpose of using all the details in the article.

To help students review the details in the article.

To help students notice the type of the article and introduce the concept of exposition.


Read ‘Ancient numbers’ with the teacher to analyze methods of organizing the article.

Read the rest part of the article and find out the same methods mentioned above and other method(s) .

Read ‘Ancient numbers’ with the teacher to analyze the feature of the article.

Read the rest part of the article and find out the feature mentioned above.

Draw a conclusion of the methods and feature mentioned with the teacher.

To show students how to figure out methods in organizing an exposition.

To check how well students understand the methods mentioned.

To show students the feature of an exposition.

To check how well students understand the feature mentioned.

To help students summarize the methods and feature of an exposition and get ready for the post task.

After readingFinish the fish-bone diagram by giving headings and methods of the topic Computers.

Share ideas with the group members and report.

To help students understand and use the methods learned to form an outline of an exposition.Homework Read the article again and appreciate the methods and feature in organizing an exposition.

Find one exposition or some information about the topic Computers with the help of the websites.