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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Integrated skills下载详情
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To learn how to protect themselves.and develop good self-protection awareness Teaching focusTo understand the process of producing an accident report formDifficult pointsTo recognize the key expr essions involved in an emergency call and an accident reportTeaching methodTask-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humor

I. Teaching aims and learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. know what phone number to dial for help;

2. get the useful information while listening and develop listening skills;

3. talk about first aid in simple English;

4. know how to protect themselves.and develop good self-protection awareness ;

II. Teaching contents

1. New words and phrases: as … as possible, towel, railway, protect oneself from, stay low to the ground, follow traffic rules, burn;

2. New structures: Try to get out as soon as possible.

Hide under a strong desk or table to protect yourself.

Cover the burn with a clean towel.

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. Use the important words and phrases correctly and fluently;

2. Talk about first aid in simple English and know what to do first to deal with some accidents.

IV. Teaching procedures

A Away from danger

Step 1 Lead-in

Watch some pictures about danger in our life .

T:Last period we learned the Taiwan Earthquake ,we all know that danger is around our life.who can tell me how many kinds of danger in our life except the earthquake ? Let’s share some pictures now and guess the feelings at that time?

T: So much for the pictures ,we just can say a word “awful” or “terrible”.face the possible danger what should we do to protect ourselves? (ask several students or groups to discuss.)

Then teacher show the key 3 methods:

Do something to save yourself.

Learn some skills about first aid.

3)Dial some telephone numbers for help.


Step 2 Presentation

. Help students to make use of first method ---- Do something to save yourself. Then ask students to listen to the part A2 .Before listening to this part ,teacher give students some helpful tips,

= 1 ﹨* alphabetic ﹨* MERGEFORMAT a .Find new words and guess the meanings.

= 2 ﹨* alphabetic ﹨* MERGEFORMAT b .Predict(预测) and write before listening .

