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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Task: Making an application下载详情
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T: (show a ppt) Look at the birds and some animals , they are very beautiful and cute. Do you know their names? (ask the students to review them).

T: Do you like them? I also like them. I’m interested in watching the birds and wild animals. What about you? Are you interested in watching them?

S: Yes.

T: Read the important phrase “be interested in doing sth.” (write the phrase on the blackboard)

T: Do you want to watch them in the zoo or in the natural world? (ask the students to guess the meaning of the word “natural” and write it on the blackboard)

T: I like watching them in the natural world. They can live in the natural word freely and happily.

I enjoy the natural world, too. (show the sentence on the ppt)

T: Sadly, the birds and wild animals are becoming fewer and fewer. Maybe there will be none left in the future. Do you know why?

S: Because people kill or hunt them to make money.

T: So it’s important for us to do something to protect the birds and wild animals.

Show “it’s +adj. + for sb. + to do sth.” on the ppt

T: What can we do to protect the birds and wild animals ? I’ll give you some tips . please use the sentence structure to pt them into English.

1. 对人们来说理解湿地的重要性是重要的。

2. 对我们来说告诉人们不要杀野生动物是必要的。

3. 对中国政府来说制定法律来保护鸟是有用的。

T: I think these tips are very important ,If you want to others your own ideas, you should add “I think” in front of the sentences.

T: Please have a dialogue: A: what are you interested in?

B: I’m interested in……

A: Why do you like it?

B: Because I like…… I think it’s…….for……to……..

Step 2 Help Amy complete the application letter

T: We know Sandy is a member of the Birdwatching Society. Every year she goes to Zhalong to study birds. Do you think her job is interesting?

S: Yes.

T: Now Amy wants to join the Birdwatching Society, too. But she should fill in the application form. Let’s read her letter and help her to complete an application letter. (ask the students to read the phrase “application form” )

While filling in the form, help the students learn the new word “address’’ show a sentence “what’s your address?=where do you live? Ask the students to guess the meaning of address.

Teach the students how to read the email address .

Step 3 Read and answer

T: Please read Amy’s application letter again and answer the questions

What would Amy like to do? S: She would like to join the Birdwatching Society.

She would like to be a member of the Birdwatching Society.

