1. 培养学生合作互助的精神与语言交际的能力。
2. 通过小组学习,让学生对该话题感兴趣,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。
3. 了解、赏析名人名著,学会合作、分享与评价 ;
4. 联系小说与现实生活,获得启示,体验文学作品的美与内涵。教学方法Task—based teaching approach、activity approach、situational approach。学法渗透指导学生进行有效阅读,提升阅读微技能,引导学生对文章人物进行合理、符合逻辑的分析。结合趣味性原则、活动教学法,任务型教学法,在教学中将学生分成6人一组的学习小组,让学生通过自主、合作和小组讨论等方式完成学习任务,通过思维导图等教学手段激发学生的逻辑思维,最终达到学生了解和学会阅读故事类文章。板书设计标题、小组加分栏、复述评价栏教学反思反思如何通过阅读来促进学生提升阅读能力,怎样通过各种教学手段和教学任务激发学生的逻辑思维。怎样在活动任务和游戏中进行更有效的语言输出,从而达到高效和有趣的课堂。
教学步骤教师活动学生活动活动设计意图Warming up
Ask students to discuss the work in groups for 5 minutes .Talk about the
story according to
the questions in
their work.引导学生用英语讨论对这个故事的理解。SharingAsk students to share their answers:
1:Who are the main characters?
2.What happened to them? Answer the questions.通过此步骤检查学生对故事具体信息的理解。ComprehensionAsk students to work out the plot of the story
Share the plot of the story.引导学生对故事有一个大概的整体理解。Analysis
Ask students to
analyze the story
according to the
1.Johnsy had a serious illness and was very weak.
How do you know that?
2.Johnsy felt desperate and didn't want to live.
How do you know that?
3.A great change happened. Johnsy wanted to live again.
How do you know that?
4.What did the doctor/her friend/Behrman do to help Johnsy?
5. What do you think of the main characters in the story?
5. Who do you like or dislike most in the story? Why?
6.Do you like the story? Why or why not?Answer the questions.训练学生阅读微技能--推断,分析故事人物特点。培养学生个人的创新思维和批评思维能力。RewritingAsk students to write a different ending.
Write a different ending and share them in class.引导学生通过对故事的理解和分析之后,改写故事的结尾。