Luckily, some climbers helped Simon.
2). Ability aims
Students can acquire the usages of “as…as”, “not as…as”and reflexive pronouns.
Students can use “as…as” and reflexive pronouns to talk about their teachers, classmates and school life.
3). Emotion aims
Students should love each other.
Ⅳ. Teaching important and difficult points
1).Teaching important points.
Students can learn how to change “ not as/so…as” and “ not as/so…as” into comparative sentences.
Students can learn about the different forms of “oneself”.
2). Teaching difficult points
Students can list and remember some phrases with “oneself”.
Students should compare the same things when using “as...as”& “not as...as”
Ⅴ.Teaching methods: Task-based teaching method.
Group work
Ⅵ. Teaching aids: multi-media
Ⅶ. Teaching procedures
Before class: Students enjoy a song Everything at once.
Step 1 Lead in( 2mins)
Enjoy a song Everything at once and fill in the blanks to get familiar with “ as...as”
As sly(狡猾的) as a fox, as strong as an ox[?ks]
As fast as a hare[hε?](野兔), as__________as a bear
As_____________as a bird , as neat [ni:t](齐整的) as a word
Ohhh all I wanna be
As cool as a tree, as scary ['skε?ri](令人惊恐的) as the sea
As____________as fire , as___________as ice