Organize the plan and letter in a clear and logical way
Step1 Preparation
Look for some informationabout places of interest in Taicang
Step2 Leading-in
1.?Reports: students own trips
2.?Play a game: who has a good memory?
Talk about places of interest all over the world.
Step3 Presentation
1.?Learn more about places of interest in Beijing
2.?Read the plan on p53 siently
Question:what places will they visit?
3.?Ask and answer queations in pairs.
Time, place, activities, transport etc.
Step4 Reading for structures
1.?Present the sample letter
2.?Read the passage, check the answers
3.?Analysis structures
Letter:?date, receiver, closing, signature
Trip:?purpose, plan, cost, instructions
Step5 Writing
1.?Talk about places of interest in Taicang
2.?Discussion: preparation work before a trip
3.?Work out the plan: a day out in Taicang
4.?Get some groups to introduce their trip according to the plan
5.?Organize the infortation into a passage(letter) and get the students to read their articles if time allows
Step 6 Homework
Finish the invitation letter for your own trip