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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Integrated skills下载详情
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Shall we take Linda to the Summer Palace ?

What about the Great Wall ?

Let’s go to the Museum .

Teaching preparation: recorder and computer

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Free talk

Step II Teach the new words and expressions

1) T: Do you know who the man is?

S: Yes , we do . He is Yaoming.

T: Yes . He is one of the best basketball players in the world.

Now he is in the final of the basketball competition.

2). Watch a snippet of a basketball competition.

3). T: What are the people doing ?

They are cheering for Yaoming .

They support him.

They are the supporters.

With their support , he will win.

4).T: After the match , they received the cup and the golden medals .

T: what’s it? Do you know?

It is a cup.

What’re they? They are medals.

Step 3. Lead-in

1). T: Do you often watch basketball competition? I like watching basketball competition and I think the final is the most exciting. Do you agree?

Today I have a piece of good news for you. Do you want to

know?That is Sunshine Secondary School gets to the final.

Show: Sunshine Secondary School gets to the final.

2).T:Here is a poster about the basketball final. Let’s look at it together.

3).T:The title is “Sunshine Secondary School goes to the final” , we can also say : It is in the final of the basketball competition.

T:Now please answer my questions?

When is the basketball final?
